June '06 Photo Challenge Theme - "Bugs"


TPF Noob!
May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Brantford, Ontario
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hey folks,

The challenge theme for Juneis going to be "Bugs".

For all of those who are new to the forum please read the following information/rules:

- The deadline for submissions is June 30
- The image can be no larger then 150KB (size on disk)
- Include your forum username when submitting
- The submitted photo must be in the form of a jpeg
- Please keep your photo anonymous (no distinguishing watermarks, and no photos that have been posted previously on the forum)
- Submit no more then one photo
- If you wish you may include a title when submitting your photo (please use no special characters)
- The form must also be included when submitting the photo
- The forum Admins and Moderators reserve the right to exclude or remove any photo solely at their discretion

.........Copy and Paste this into your submission email...........................
ThePhotoForum.com Username:
Photo Title (optional):
Is the photo 150KB or less? Y/N
Is the photo a jpeg? Y/N
Has this photo been posted before? Y/N
Please submit only one photo per challenge.


Please email your photo to [email protected].

All photos must include the form when submitted. Just copy and paste it into your email. This will ensure that no mistakes are made when photos are submitted and therefore, hopefully, no photos are excluded. If the form is not included in the submission email the photo will not be included in the challenge gallery and voting process.

Good luck to everyone and have fun with this challenge!
ive already posted my bug stuff. ill hopefully get some more done before the end of june
ok...find me a bug first ... :p and I'll take a photo of it and submit
^ I think 150kb should be ample for an 800x600 image.
I went out looking for bugs today.

Seems the trickiest part is to avoid being eaten alive by the bugs who are jealous you aren't taking a picture of them!
Im new here too but I might as well jump in a submit one. This sounds like fun
I'm also a noob..lol..but I went ahead and sent one in,it does sound like fun!

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