Just a Shell


TPF Noob!
Mar 12, 2010
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Boardman Ohio
Can others edit my Photos
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found what was left of this guy in the back yard




Did you use the pop up flash? Lighting looks harsh. Interesting subject though.
The police seem to get involved when I come out of my shell, neat shot. Light is a little harsh like mentioned.
i used a sb400. what do you mean harsh? so maybe i can work on it
Overpowering I guess. Think this, a clear summer day at 2pm. Stand outside and look at the light from the sun. That would be "harsh". Strong shadows and from a small source, the sun. Just a dot inthe sky. To contrast, go outside at 7am on a cloudy morning. The light source is now less powerful and large. "the whole sky is now the light source". The clouds act as the difuser for the srong sun giving a nice even light with little shadow. do you use a diffuser of any kind. That softens it so Its not so harsh.
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I think the problem comes more from the fact that light is coming straight on instead of from an angle/side...this gives the lighting a pretty flat look. What diffuser do you use? Many diffusers like a stofen aren't really going to do much of anything to help a macro shot.
yes thats what i have is a stofen. what kind would be good for micro?
A friend from France who often travels to Greece to shoot macro in the countryside uses this simple trick: he rotates the flash head up and then inserts a white plastic card, the size of a credit card, into the slot between the flash head's shell and the front of the body of the flash. Cost? Practically nothing. Result? Beautiful, every time! He never carries any $50 diffusers in his bag. I tried the trick a few times (and I am NOT a macro photographer by even the longest shot) and, guess what, I could even produce some passable extremely "micro" photographs.

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