K100D or K10D?


TPF Noob!
Feb 12, 2008
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ok, so apparently I can use my oldish 35mm AF lenses WITH AF in Pentax DSLR. That's great. I can save some money on glass. The question now is whether to spend some more and get a K10D or stick with the K100D. I guess the question is how much better a camera is? for a person like me that is at entry level. This is what I think: By the time I learn to really take advantage of a camera like the K10D, there will be newer ones, right? The bottom line is are the K10D pictures worth the extra cash?

By the time I learn to really take advantage of a camera like the K10D, there will be newer ones, right?

oh yeh..

Don't get overly concerned with staying at the edge of technology. It is a loosing cause that just burns money and does absolutely nothing for you as a photographer. Just because a newer camera is released doesn't mean your current camera is any less able to produce excellent photos. Even today's low line DSLRs are more than capable.

The only time you really should go for the newer camera is if there is something about the your current camera that is preventing you from accomplishing something.

As it is already... the K20D is already coming out...
I have the GX-10 from samsung which is the same as the K10D and i am pretty happy with it. I think that it is worth the few extra dollars, but if you want something a little more compact, the K100D is quite smaller. On the long term i think that if you take the K100D you will change the body much quicker than if you invest in the K10D.

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