Keeping rodinal overnight.

Grandpa Ron

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Aug 9, 2018
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I purchased Rodinal because it was a one shot developer. Today being a cold and rainy day I planned on developing a nine 4x5 sheets of film. I was experimenting with development times.

Unfortunately I was only able to develop two sheets when I was called away. I had mixed up a half gallon of 50:1 working stock, so I capped it and put it in a light tight box at 62 degrees.

I will continue tomorrow but I really hate to dump a half gallon of mixture if I do not have to. I was curious how many days the people have kept a 50:1 Rodinal mixture.
Hmm, I almost always used Rodinal ... but never kept the working solution. Sorry, I ain't much help
I used it as a one-shot, mix-just-before-using developer...never mixed up more thsn 32 ounces at one time...
I think you should be good for a couple of days.
I seem to remember ('though I'm going back 35+ years) being able to get 24-36 hrs out of Rodinal on a project, but I am damned if I can remember what I was using it for....
Just noticed this post was from yesterday......did it work?
Well 50:1 Rodinol overnight at 62 degrees F was just fine.

I was glad because I really did not want to dump a half gallon of mix.

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