"Kids being kids" Sorry...been practicing a lot.

Mleek, I am not dishonest. If you really didn't think I was doing better and improving, than you saying I was ....was being dishonest. I thought I was on the right path and continued on it. We hadn't spoken in so long so I detoured a bit because what else was I supposed to do? Just because I don't have one of those software things to tell me my exact settings, get it wrong, and then say it does not mean I'm dishonest...it means well, I JUST FORGOT. I got defensive at first but what do you expect when otehr mutual adults start scolding you?

Seriousely I'm just going to GOD/KARMA this one......I have been nothing but nice to everyone on here, never insulting, and only defended myself when attacked. Whether or not I'm "obeying" advice is irrelevant..........there is simply a lack of decency. To be honest, I have been a teacher, been frustrated with students and NEVER HAVE I TALKED TO ANYONE IN THESE WAYS.

No, I did not charge...just friends. =) Listen, at the end of the day we all have to put food on the dinner table. When people see my photos, like them, and OFFER AND TELL ME to start charging, who wouldn't accept? If they are happy, what's it to you? In the end, that's all that matters.

So, you don't talk to me and that means you just quit doing what you've learned to do? You had the steps. You had a WEALTH of help in the form of the books and materials I sent to you. But seeing how you didn't talk to ME, you detoured? Erica, it doesn't make any sense. What that tells me is that if and when you aren't talking to me you don't bother to focus, pay attention to any settings and you always will. Seeing how your college professors aren't there to hold your hand then you don't bother to use what you learned in their classes? See what I am getting at here? You threw out everything you had worked on and made the time I spent helping you a total waste.

You have a track record here of less than honesty. How can we expect to believe you? You argued the point even when we told you that they weren't in shutter priority.
It's not a software 'thingy' that you need. It is WINDOWS. RIGHT CLICK, PROPERTIES. LAST TAB. If it's not RIGHT THERE click the advanced summary. But again, you haven't paid attention to those who have told you this over and over today.

Well, I guess it doesn't matter if you charge people for garbage. Unless you want to be known as something other than a garbage photographer down the road. I *think* you have the potential to be something more, but it's up to you.

You need a mentor who can sit with you and help you hands on. It's time we say goodbye here.
OP.. find ONE person that take GOOD photos... listen to them (we have told you this before!)!! DO NOT listen to anyone else.

If you don't see any improvement in six months... then one of two things is happening. Either you are not listening to your mentor / teacher... or you need to find someone else. But give it at least SIX months with ONE person!

Don't listen to ANYONE else... since you apparently have problem sorting out the good advice from the bad, or something!

It is not your Camera... it is not your Lenses... they are all fine! We can see that based on what the equipment is doing.

I also feel like this has gone as far as it can possibly go.. and in the future, I am going to make a concerted effort not to reply or C&C any of your threads! I am having trouble being constructive and positive about them, after nearly of year of trying to help, and dealing with so much drama... so best not to comment again! Good bye, and good luck!
There's a difference between listening to people and making cognitive decisions on your own.

I think you should study up on critical thinking.
MLEEK, we barely got any lessons in. We basically just talked about middle grey, and different metering modes. We were going to touch base on focusing, but then we lost touch..so I never learned about that from you.

I have not been dishonest....I have been misunderstood, and become defensive in hopes of having better reactions from others. If i said I shot something a certain way, and it wasn't that way, it is not that I was ying it is that I didn't remember right and THOUGHT I shot in that mode.

I wish I could meet you all in person because I think online forums can bring out the worst in people. I am not a dramatic person at all. In fact, I'm pretty quiet and I love everyone. I enjoy every type of person in this world and think everyone has something to offer. I feel like if this were a real life circle, things would be much different. You would see my sincerity and my enthusiasm. It would be much different. Apparently I did not and could not convey this right here. I accept that but it is frustrating. I absolutely despise conflict and if you look, never cared about you commenting on a photo, just when you were scolding me. So, CC was always welcome...just not personal insults.

Why would I want to be dishonest about a photo? We're not talking big huge life things that we need to cover up here? I think it is fair to say that I have always been passionate and trying hard, I KNOW YOU GUYS HAVE the equipment/abilities to read the info on my photos....so why would I try and deceive you purpiosefully? That makes no sense...I know you can quickly run my photo in your program.
There's a difference between listening to people and making cognitive decisions on your own.

I think you should study up on critical thinking.

Was that for AMOMENT or me, Rex? Believe it or not.. I do know the difference! lol! :) But it takes good data to make good cognitive decisions.. and I think the conflicting data is where she is having issues... ;)
At the end of the day, I was just looking for some friendly comradery.......I came in peace, wanted to share this passion, even if it meant I sucked in the end. Like most of you, I'm sure, we have all prob had our tough battles/journeys in our lives and it just seems silly to be so aggressive about something that is meant to be fun. There is nothing to get hot headed about. We are not talking politics/religion...we are talking cameras, photography.....perspective? I just wanted to share my photos, maybe I would apply your advice maybe not, but big deal. When you help someone or offer advice, you are doing so out of the goodness of your heart, not because you expect something in return. I thank you for your advice and help, it si extremely generous, and I have always expressed my gratitude. I don't deserve, nor does anyone, to be spoken to as a child. I just don't get this type of behavior. I'm just not that type of person..........
You know what, Rex you might be right? Contrary to what most people are saying about me NOT LISTENING, I think it is the exact opposite. I think I am putting too much trust into contradicting advice, getting mixed up, and not making cognitive decisions of my own. I am simply acting as a robot as opposed to REALLY internalizing it. I have always been so concerned about taking the advice, applying it, and hopefully getting some positive feedback that I think I have done this to a fault. So you see, perhaps I have been listening too much that I have not allowed myself to actually figure it out. I look up to all you guys and just tried to take what you said verbatum. I know you can't really do this in photography but have you ever wanted something so bad that you almost try too hard?

On a personal level, because WTH, at this point...........this has been the only thing in my life that has distracted me from some issues that I will always have or have had to experience. It is something that makes me stay in the moment. It is something that if I were to succeed or pursue, would allow me to be a mother first to my 4 kids. (2 step kids whose mother is well, sick.) Despite any degree I have or any job I've had , I have always had low self esteem.......and yes, I'm again divulging but I don't care, I want to feel good at something. So, this is not just about photography. I spilled my guts just now but maybe it will evoke some humanity .......
I just can't do anything for you. I live in NY, but I am about 7 hours from you. You are so close to the city. There are THOUSANDS of photographers in the area who do mentoring. Find a local group. Try out ILP to find someone near you or that can help you. Use the books and materials that I gave you. Study from the very start of the beginners tutorials on digital-photography-school.com. Shoot slowly and deliberately.
okay......I'm actually looking up local groups now....hopefully I will be lucky
okay......I'm actually looking up local groups now....hopefully I will be lucky

Check out meetup.com
I might get in trouble for saying this, but I don't understand why you want to take professionally looking photos. These pictures are fine to share with friends and family, even to make small prints. Looking at your other threads, you are better off using the camera on full auto. They won't look professional, because you're not, far from it, but the results will be much better.

And please take that horrible watermark off.
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Cute kid shots. I have lots of kid shots too...I get it. I think the problem is you asked for CnC on this *pro* site...where there are portrait gurus that will SHRED shots that are not professionally done. I do think that whats-her-name was a little harsh...but I bet she knows her stuff. Don't quit here...grow thicker skin, extract the valuable info that the portrait folks give you, and next time it'll be better. Good luck ;)
when you say "It is something that if I were to succeed or pursue, would allow me to be a mother first to my 4 kids". I hope you are not under the impression that a career in photography will not be just as time consuming as any other full time job. especially if you are doing enough work to support a household. You will be gone from the house a lot, in all manner of locations, at all different times. and when you ARE home, you are glued to the computer monitor pouring over hundreds of shots, deciding which ones are best for the client and how to make them the most presentable. As bitter a pill as this may be for you to swallow with everyone around you telling you how good your photos are, they are NOT yet at a level where you should be charging for them, if you have any ethical or moral compass. I say "yet" because through all of the very blunt comments, even some of your harshest critics have stated that you have potential. And THAT is a compliment not to be taken lightly here.

If you are unable to learn from anyone here, try and find someone local to you that you CAN learn from so you don't end up another Faux....type of person I wont mention for fear of another bunny rant. :D Anyway, good luck and keep shooting.
On a personal level, because WTH, at this point...........this has been the only thing in my life that has distracted me from some issues that I will always have or have had to experience. It is something that makes me stay in the moment. It is something that if I were to succeed or pursue, would allow me to be a mother first to my 4 kids. (2 step kids whose mother is well, sick.) Despite any degree I have or any job I've had , I have always had low self esteem.......and yes, I'm again divulging but I don't care, I want to feel good at something. So, this is not just about photography. I spilled my guts just now but maybe it will evoke some humanity .......

AMOMENT, I am speaking from personal experience - the worst possible thing you can ever do to yourself is to base your own self-esteem/self-worth on whether you are good at ANY hobby or job. If that's why you are doing photography, than I can see why you are having such a hard time, and I do emphasize. But, as long as you are seeing your photos as a measure of your own personal worth, you aren't going to be able to objectively look at your photos - and you won't be able to learn or progress.
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Thanks. I appreciate the advice I really do. I know my photos are off and I appreciate your honesty. I shouldn't base my self worth on my hobby but it's hard not to start to feel bad about yourself when people pretty much say you don't understand and should or that there is something wrong wih me; rather than my photos.
I have thin skin. Always have. Not proud of it. At the end of the day I am kind of glad I do bc I know that at least I don't make others in the world feel bad; as much as I can. I know what t feels like to be your worst critic and it always hurts me to see anyone else feel this way. I think that's why i am so shocked by some of the comments. Cc on my photos is totally cool but insults on a personal level is just mean and uncalled for.
I actually contacted a group! They only meet once a Month though and at night so I'm pretty sure they don't go on photo outings together. It's a a start. Mtvision I checked that site actually before I even saw your post but closest group is in the city and circumstances don't allow for me to get there right now :(.
I don't expect to ever make a huge career out of this but every lit bit helps ya know? If I did one shoot a week it would help.

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