"Piano man." CC?


TPF Noob!
Sep 27, 2011
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I actually was proud of myself for this photo because I exposed it as a silouhette on purpose and succeeded. My husband, the piano player, was backlit really nice by this cool orange light and I exposed for that rather than him. I was happy....

The colours are great, the exposure is good. The focus? Not so much unfortunately.
Can you tell us how you did it? And what you would do, to do it again? I am sure many of the newer people here would love to know how to do this!

Was the OOF intentional, to create a soft, dreamy image?
Great colors... Like it a lot!
A shame the focus though... If it was on purpouse, then you fell short I think.
But anyway, good job!
Can you tell us how you did it? And what you would do, to do it again? I am sure many of the newer people here would love to know how to do this!

Was the OOF intentional, to create a soft, dreamy image?

ME AND MY STUPID FOCUS ISSUES....GRRR! LOL. Well, my husband was backlit by this orange spot light so I basically spot metered off of the light, exposed at "0" for it and because my husband was wearing all black, he was vastly underexposed, which I wanted. The light was so bright behind him that I knew if I metered off of it and exposed right for it, he would be seen as a silouhette. I didn't do much pp but just a little increase on contrast, I believe?
Now, again because I don't have one of those software programs that tells me exactly all my setings...I don't know what I shot this in.
Don't worry about YOUR focus issue so much on this one. Yeah, it's OOF, but this is a situation where you have to REALLY CONSCIOUSLY focus on the subject and not the background. The subject is so dark that the contrast isn't there to lock on to. Your camera really did have trouble without considering your focus issues. In this situation you may well have to manually focus because it is that tough on the camera.
Now, again because I don't have one of those software programs that tells me exactly all my setings...I don't know what I shot this in.

Just right click it and go to properties. On the last tab you should be able to look at your settings
Now, again because I don't have one of those software programs that tells me exactly all my setings...I don't know what I shot this in.

Thats exif data and it is embeded in original file from the camera. No programs are needed.
I have absolutely no issue with the focus.

I think the shot looks great. Good job.

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