Kohleria tigridia


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Jan 2, 2007
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Cali, Colombia
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This is one of the epiphytic versions from the genus. It always seems to grow at the base of trees and never higher up like Cavendishia. It is a flower that is pollinated by bats. Fairly common on my property.

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Very cool, neat flower.
Your vegetation is as impressive as your wildlife! Very neat flower. Thank you for sharing, yet again, something I have not seen.
What a cool shot! Neat flower, never,ever have I seen one like that.
That's an interesting flower first time I have seen one.

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Ooooo, I just had an accident..... That thing looks like it contains the nectar to cure cancer. Pop that star like a little candy and call it a day....
Thank you for the comments. There are more brightly colored Kohlerias (like red and fucia) that are popular garden plants but smaller. This one is about two inches accross.
Nice shot! You must be hanging out with Jc or old hippy. That flower makes me want to stick my head in there and have a long around, it really draws a viewer in.

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