Kyoto: PITA Tourists


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 27, 2013
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Friends and colleagues say this has become a major problem in Gion where increased post-pandemic tourism has brought an especially aggressive breed of shooters who appear to stalk geisha and maiko in the district. Apparently some of them are snatching kanzashi (hair ornaments)from the geisha. Sad...

Louis sings ....."What a Wonderful World........." Humans..... :spank:
Friends and colleagues say this has become a major problem in Gion where increased post-pandemic tourism has brought an especially aggressive breed of shooters who appear to stalk geisha and maiko in the district. Apparently some of them are snatching kanzashi (hair ornaments)from the geisha. Sad...

Wow! How offensive.
Louis sings ....."What a Wonderful World........." Humans..... :spank:
The geisha and maiko make Gion look like something straight from an Edo period woodblock print. Always content just to quietly admire for a few minutes. Want pix? Buy postcards.
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