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Landscape Lens vote

Which lens should I get?

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TPF Noob!
May 4, 2007
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can someone please help me decide, i'd like the advice of people who know more about photography then me
i voted the olympus lens.. i do not know about its image quality, but the 24mm just would not be wide enough for landscape work on a less than full frame sensor.
Out of those two, which I know nothing about, the Sigma 24mm is not wide enough. With the crop factor, you're only talking about a 38mm focal length. The multiplier may be 1.4 which puts it at 34mm, regardless.....
Sigma 10-20mm Ultra wide for me, thanks.

Based on the choice beween the 2 above, the 14-24 is the better landscape lens. At least it takes the wider shot. I do not know which would take the better shot, though... normally that would go to the prime lens, just talking in general.
i second the vote for the 10-20! those other lenses dont really seem wide enough for the landscape stuff I'M thinking of....
Out of those two, which I know nothing about, the Sigma 24mm is not wide enough. With the crop factor, you're only talking about a 38mm focal length. The multiplier may be 1.4 which puts it at 34mm, regardless.....

Actually I'm pretty sure that the Olympus crop factor is 2x! so the 24mm would actually be 48mm. I have the Sigma 24mm f/1.8 and like it. However, with your crop factor, I'm sure the 14-42 (28-84) will be your best bet.

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