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Large Resolution Imaging


TPF Noob!
Apr 24, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi everyone!

I'm new to the forum and a bit of a newbie when it comes to the photo world. I have a Nikon D40 with (what I think are) some pretty good photos on my drive that I'll post later

Obviously I posted in general shop talk for a reason. I currently work for a property investment company that is looking to take higher resolution images (scenery, wildlife, art, art deco) and make them into large banners. I'm having quite a trouble finding suitable images (we're talking at least 3000x2200 res) that aren't outrageously expensive. I've already checked Istockphoto and gettyimages, but their prices are just rediculous. Does anyone have a business that specializes in large res or perhaps ultra large res (mosaics, stitching, etc) photos for a reasonable price?



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