Last person to post in this thread wins...

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Every shaver
Now can snore
Six more minutes

Than before
By using
Bubble bubble.
Cool... let's make Smores! (sorry to interrupt the Shakespearean quoting!)

I guess we could caldron bubble some soup, too! lol!
Ugh marshmallows are gross
Yea.. not to fond of them myself! lol! I guess I could have used HotDogs... but somebody else would have said those are gross too! (bug parts, lips, eyelids, etc!)
But pizza, wings, and beer always works lol.
But pizza, wings, and beer always works lol.

Not for me.. I hate beer! lol! See ... someone is always the odd one out! Now make it a Long Island Iced Tea, or a Rum and Coke... and I am in!

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