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TPF Noob!
Feb 8, 2008
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please let me know what you think

the pose is weird. It's not flattering, because it makes her head look bigger. And the negative space behind her also doesn't do it for me. I think the color and light are okay, but that's not enough to make this one work.

I think this one would be better with her moved to the left 1/3 of the frame, as Puscas alluded to.
I think this one would be better with her moved to the left 1/3 of the frame, as Puscas alluded to.

Well, I'm a noob here and to photography in general, but I think if you move her to the left 1/3 of the frame, her eyes are going to have to focus on the right 1/2 of the frame. Otherwise the photo is going to be very unbalanced.
Well, I'm a noob here and to photography in general, but I think if you move her to the left 1/3 of the frame, her eyes are going to have to focus on the right 1/2 of the frame. Otherwise the photo is going to be very unbalanced.

Well that is if you move her in the frame as she is right now. The idea is that you put her more to the left (or better, your camera more to the right) while you are taking the picture. So she will be facing the camera of course and it will all look balanced.

Well that is if you move her in the frame as she is right now. The idea is that you put her more to the left (or better, your camera more to the right) while you are taking the picture. So she will be facing the camera of course and it will all look balanced.


Ah, I see. I can agree with that. Just so long as she's not on the far left, looking left. ;)
The lighting setup is smart, studio style. There is no shadow anywhere visible.

Adding light smile would be a lot better expression to add. Just an opinion though.
Yes the lighting is what the concern is more so than anything. I will fix the other issue's down the road but thnx for all the input which is what i was wanting. I am trying to work on gettin the lighting consistant.
Yes the lighting is what the concern is more so than anything. I will fix the other issue's down the road but thnx for all the input which is what i was wanting. I am trying to work on gettin the lighting consistant.

Well the lighting is good. But I also agree that she needs a slight smile or something so she doesn't look... P.O'ed
the pose is weird. It's not flattering, because it makes her head look bigger. And the negative space behind her also doesn't do it for me. I think the color and light are okay, but that's not enough to make this one work.
I agree with all this but I do think the lighting is very well done.
oops, maybe my bad: I tried to say that the lighting is good (my 'okay' was not a 'so so', but a 'that's good, that's not the problem here')

just so you know. :D


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