lens advice


TPF Noob!
Oct 6, 2010
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archdale nc
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im looking for a decent macro lense for the e620

so far heres what i got around in my kit

sears 202 28- 70mm macro for the om mount
a vivitar 35-105 macro focusing zoom lense om mount
and a 70-300mm zuiko digital

heres some photos taken with the sears

PB220548 by dehart68, on Flickr

PB220542 by dehart68, on Flickr

PB220547 by dehart68, on Flickr
havent had a chance to take a macro with the 70-300

or the vivitar
If you are into macro you are going to be better served with a true 1 to 1 fixed focal length lens. Other lenses such as 1:3 zoom macro's have their place and I wouldn't be caught without one. True 1:1 you dont want to be caught without one of those either. Additionally, Zuiko does make a 1:1 50mm. Your third party 1 to 1 macros will be Sigma and Tamron.
k lol those are all i got right now thu :( thinking of buying a manual om macro nxt month
a main thing is i play around with macro alittle bit i got more lense im just looking for a decent macro that i dont have to spend a ton on looking at ether a 35mm or a 50 mm manual lense
Digital Zuiko 35mm 1:1 is about 200.00. Their 50mm version zooms up in price to around 400.00. It looks like a darn nice piece of glass.
yea it does i might buy the manual 50 to hold me over till i can aofford the digital
i have officly decide what im aod and thx for the advice all im use the sears and the 70-300 for a couple of moths first of march gonna buy the 50mm zd lens and ext tube then later on buy the 35mm and if i can affordd it later get the teleconverter

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