Let Me Have it Part !!!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 5, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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I have worked hard to improve. I do not like white backgrounds and that is why I made myself work on this to get the lighting balance. For those who recall my first two 'Let me Have It's... I hope that this is positive for you too! Please let me know what you think...I'd like the teeth a bit whiter but haven't gotten there yet in pp; the girl in the denim shirt has really white teeth. Thanks for any insight, its pretty much my first go round with the 7D!!!

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seems underexposed to me, try a small curves adjustment and a boost of exposure
This looks pretty and is definitely worth some more pp. I can give it a shot if you'd like or are you just looking for advice on what to do?
This looks pretty and is definitely worth some more pp. I can give it a shot if you'd like or are you just looking for advice on what to do?

SoWeet! Both!!! Thank You!!! Do you want the original???
Actually, I just brought this into LR3 and compensated the exposure by one full stop and it looks great. The shot could benefit from a hair light, but other than that it has nice colour and is really sharp.
This looks pretty and is definitely worth some more pp. I can give it a shot if you'd like or are you just looking for advice on what to do?

SoWeet! Both!!! Thank You!!! Do you want the original???

Sure, if you don't have any editing software, it is a really quick fix.
This looks pretty and is definitely worth some more pp. I can give it a shot if you'd like or are you just looking for advice on what to do?

SoWeet! Both!!! Thank You!!! Do you want the original???

Sure, if you don't have any editing software, it is a really quick fix.

I don't think she wants a white background per the original post. maybe add one stop to the people and use layers to have the original background?
Here is the original....I did do some pp work in LR3. I think as a rule my eye tends toward underexposure as my norm...

I don't think she wants a white background per the original post. maybe add one stop to the people and use layers to have the original background?

I guess I misunderstood. I thought she meant she was pushing herself out of her comfort zone and forcing herself to shoot with white.

@OP Here is the edit, but the posted pic was the same web based image.
I shot with white BG. I have only three lights. I'd like 4 for a white BG. A white BG is out of my comfort zone for sure; I find it harder to balance against a white BG, particularly with multiple subjects.
I shot with white BG. I have only three lights. I'd like 4 for a white BG. A white BG is out of my comfort zone for sure; I find it harder to balance against a white BG, particularly with multiple subjects.

So, were you looking for a flat white or the original background with exposure correction of the subjects only? BTW - Is the edit on post 9 what you are looking for?
I tried in my shot and in my pp to bring some 'color' and form into an otherwise flat scenario with white light. Unless its high key to me its a flat white and pretty boring. I was going for somewhere in-between to bring color without over exposing the guy who was closest to the light(s). I intentionally challenged myself with the white shirt to see what I could get. On my screen I opened up the BG for a flat white light there, but the subjects had some color to them. I was not able to duplicate in the image link here on TPF to my liking, but will move one to print to see what happens there.

Not sure what I could have done different in the shot or in pp...that's what would help the most...knowing what more to do in the shot...followed by what I can do with what I have now.
I shoot seamless white bg's with 3 lights, 2 to blowout the back and 1 key light
A different angle to consider: One thing about posed photos is that attire can be a distracting focus. I find the Man with what appears to be a palm with Christmas tree ornaments and the Girl with a deer hunter buck type shirt to be much more compelling foder for thought than the technical matters of the photo. This can be fine and of no consequence in most candids but overall I think posed photos should not have these kinds of attire flairs. I know these are not intended to be pro work "for sale"

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