

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 10, 2007
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I don't know...let me sleep on it...hehe
I think it needs a little straightening. (jk)

Looking at it literally as a window and a wall, I didn't like it. But when I stepped back and half zoned out, I saw it more as an abstract and it made sense. I liked it. I'm just struggling a little flipping between literal and abstract.
I'm flipping back and forth on whether I want the wood wall or the window to be the more in-focus of the two. I love it, though. Just this architecturally abstract skull (well, I think it looks like a skull) peeking around mouth agape. The window being straight would actually increase the oddness factor, or not even perfectly straight but a slightly lesser angle. Any larger angle and it just looks like you tripped and snapped the shutter. It is right on the razor's edge of being balanced from a purposefully artistic standpoint.
This may be one of those images that one isn't supposed to (be able to?) analyse too much.

It makes me dizzy, in a good way. I like it alot.
What is it?
When I opened the thread, it made me jump.. like WTF? lol! Seriously! Interesting...
Vertigo.....or that is some good rum.

Definitely gives a visceral effect....enjoyed it.
Yeah... definitely makes me dizzy. Although, like Desi, I've has some alcohol myself (wine though, not rum...) :lol:

I'm not 100% sure how I feel about it... but one thing is for sure... I felt it's effects!! :lmao:
Good freeze motion. that is during a hurricane, right?
Nicely seen, it give me vertigo. Not every image has to be definable, this is one I can just look at and enjoy for it's textures.
Nicely seen, it give me vertigo. Not every image has to be definable, this is one I can just look at and enjoy for it's textures.
Exactly that !
Sorry, somehow I double posted.

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