light leaks?


TPF Noob!
Oct 12, 2007
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Ok, so my friend developed two rolls of film yesterday, she used my tank, which i know has no light leaks in it. The two rolls were taken one after the other. the roll that was on top in the tank and shot first has two minor light leaks toward the end, the second roll, which was at the bottom of the tank, was nearly destroyed with them, totaling at 14, most of which were severe, and which had no set pattern. Some span multiple frames, and some frames have multiple leaks. My question is, what could be causing this problem. The rolls were opened and loaded into the tank in a light sealed room. The previous two or three rolls were developed perfectly using the same tank. Prior to this, there had been issues with light leaks that were attributed to a damaged tank she'd been using.
Time for a rebuild. There are various gaskets that are part of an older film camera that need replacement over time as they age then let light in causing your issue.

What kind of camera are we talking about?
it's an old minolta SLR, which i believe she said was made in the 70's.

can you give me any idea how much a rebuild would be likely to cost?
it's an old minolta SLR, which i believe she said was made in the 70's.

can you give me any idea how much a rebuild would be likely to cost?

It could be different in your area, but someone offered to do just this for my father's F2A for $120, a very complete cleaning being a part of it.

My father's camera doesn't need it, but we just happened in on a place where he was cleaning a camera and we asked. Different places will likely charge differently... but at least you have a ballpark range now.
If you really think the culprit here is the camera I would try shooting a 12 exposure roll of color film and take it to a 1 hour place to see how they come out. I would do this before taking the camera somewhere to be re-built. You would be out of your mind to spend any kind of significant mone on getting a camera like that repaired. I am not sure what model "old Minolta SLR" you are talking about but as you see
a replacement can be had for a pretty cheap price.
it's an old minolta SLR, which i believe she said was made in the 70's.

can you give me any idea how much a rebuild would be likely to cost?

Before spending money on a CLA, try replacing the foam seals at the film door.
as well as ebay or local camera store. It is pretty darn easy to do yourself.
Why don't you try and spend some money on a roll of film first.
It is definately a wise suggestion to be sure it is indeed the camera leaking the light *before* spending money having it fixed. It may not be needed.

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