Lightroom 2 Camera Profiles

Well, I've played around with all the profiles and I think the Adobe Standard profile is the best all around to use as a default. It is certainly better than the ACR 4.4 and the Camera Standard is too red and saturated. The others like Landscape may be fine for their intended applications, but I personally didn't like the results from the Portrait profile.

Yes, I agree with you on LR2. I have only been using it a month or so and there is no way I would go back to Camera Raw.
I haven't tried the camera specific profiles for LR2, but I'm absolutely thrilled with LR2!

Ignore the camera specific ones but get the new "Adobe Standard" Profile. From the Beta2 profiles pack on Adobe Labs site. You'll use it eventually one way or the other, but you may as well get started with the nicer look :)
Ignore the camera specific ones but get the new "Adobe Standard" Profile. From the Beta2 profiles pack on Adobe Labs site. You'll use it eventually one way or the other, but you may as well get started with the nicer look :)

Cool, I'll look that up.

Is anyone else experiencing the Lightroom memory leak problem? After a while LR2 freezes up on me, and I have to use the task manager to shut it down. Then I restart it, and there's no problem for a while. I've googled it, and other folks seem to be having the same problem. I've got 4gb ram, and 1gb on the video card.
I haven't had that problem, but it was starting to slow down a lot.

I separated my main folder into a few different catalogs then optimized them, runs much better now.
I haven't had that problem either. I am running it on Vista. Adobe Bridge used to crash on me all the time, but I've had no problems with LR2.

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