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LIGHTROOM: How to save all the pics from Develop mode


TPF Noob!
Sep 26, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
How do I do this? I don't want to export and save all the pics as jpegs... I want to save all the edits, import ANOTHER batch of .raws and work on those. Then later on I want to go back to them and finish up editing. I think its something about catalogs or something but I don't want to be sorry and lose all these edits im working on if that isn't right.
Yeah, create a catalog. Thats the fastest way to go back to a certain set of photos.
Yeah, create a catalog. Thats the fastest way to go back to a certain set of photos.

Thanks! I did that but I saw it said it doesn't save the pictures, it saves the info. Is that ok? So after I close lightroom, I can go back and open the catalog and continue editing all the pics?
You only want 1 catalog! What do you mean you only want to save all the edits? You mean you only want to save the ONES you like? If that is the case you can put rating on the ones you like (or color coded it). Then you can filter to show for example 3 stars and higher on that day. Select everything, export. I dont think you can just edit away and expect the program to remember which one you edited. Maybe there is a way. BRB.. let me check it.
Found it! Go to library and go to gird view. Sort it by EDIT TIME! This wont work with me because I mass adjust almot all the pics (even the photos I dont really like). I like putting rating on my pics first before I edit them.
Sorry, I meant collections. Typing while not feeling good and lack of sleep isn't good.
You only want 1 catalog! What do you mean you only want to save all the edits? You mean you only want to save the ONES you like? If that is the case you can put rating on the ones you like (or color coded it). Then you can filter to show for example 3 stars and higher on that day. Select everything, export. I dont think you can just edit away and expect the program to remember which one you edited. Maybe there is a way. BRB.. let me check it.

I only want one catalog? What do you mean? Is that a statement?
I don't want to export anything... i just want to save the import what im working on and finish up editing later.
I don't want to export anything... i just want to save the import what im working on and finish up editing later.
I thought it does that automatically? Seems to for me, anyway, and I don't think I did anything special or changed a setting to get it to act that way.

Have you tried editing a photo in LR, closing the program, then re-opening to see if it's just like you last left it? Mine are, with no additional effort at all.
Sorry, I meant collections. Typing while not feeling good and lack of sleep isn't good.

OMGGGGGGGGG! I lost ALL my edits!! All my edits, plus previous imports, plus all the ones from the past month... EVERYTHING!!!:grumpy::cry::cry::cry:
No, they are still there... you just need to open up that catalog.
I don't want to export anything... i just want to save the import what im working on and finish up editing later.
I thought it does that automatically? Seems to for me, anyway, and I don't think I did anything special or changed a setting to get it to act that way.

Have you tried editing a photo in LR, closing the program, then re-opening to see if it's just like you last left it? Mine are, with no additional effort at all.

I've done that before, but I didn't know it was automatic. But yes, it reopened to how i left it. But what i really wanted to do is save this import, and put in another SD card and work on a new import and then go back to my previously saved import and finish working on those. BUT NOW I SAVED IT AS A CATALOG AND NOW I CANT FIND ANYTHING FROM THE PAST MONTH. ALL MY EDITS ARE GONE
You only want 1 catalog. your catalog should contain several folders. Mine are listed here My Pictures/Year/Date. So I have hundreds of folders. Like buckster said, all edit will be save automatically. But every time you edit, all you are doing is creating a data file that saved all of your setting and link it to that photo (it will remember all the adjustment settings). You have to export it to see it on JPG (or other extension) with the adjustment.

For example if instead of shooting in RAW you shoot in JPEG. If you edit the JPEG in LR, the JPEG is left untouched unless you export it. If you go to windows explorer and open these JPEG file, they are original. You have to open the exported files.
No, they are still there... you just need to open up that catalog.

I did! And nothing is happening. Everything is gone. I see "0" next to everything. Previous imports, past collections EVERYTHING has a "0" next to it for "0" pictures!!
Again, your stuff isn't gone - you just need to open that catalog again under the File menu.
Dont worry, you still have them. START OVER!

1. Create a new catalog
2. Import MyDocument/MyPictures/.... (assuming this is where all the RAWs are)
3. Import whatever other folders where you donwload your RAWs

This will add a new catalog with all the pictures in that folder. If you had ajusted it before, it will show them! Good luck!

PS. This will take really really long depending how many photos you have.

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