Liverpool UK


TPF Noob!
Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Liverpool UK
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi All,

I'm new on here. Been on a Forum in the UK only for about 12 months and thought I'd broaden my horizons and post on a forum further a field!

I've been keen on photography for just over 12 months now; and hopefully I've improved! ;)

Here's some shots I've recently taken in my home town, Liverpool.

What do you think? Thanks for taking the time to view my post.


Hi All,

I'm new on here. Been on a Forum in the UK only for about 12 months and thought I'd broaden my horizons and post on a forum further a field!

I've been keen on photography for just over 12 months now; and hopefully I've improved! ;)

Here's some shots I've recently taken in my home town, Liverpool.

What do you think? Thanks for taking the time to view my post.


I like the second image. In my opinion I think you should host with a free hosting service who don't resize images. Your images look fuzzy or out of focus but I'm not sure if it's due to the resizing process...
Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for taking the time to offer feedback.

I had to re-size on my iMac before uploading as the forum wouldn't allow the original file. I tried cutting and pasting the URL code from my Flickr account but again I got an error message saying file type invalid.

If anyone knows how I can get round this and post larger size files I would be grateful to hear from you.

1 is the best, nice colour and sharpness, I love the reflection as well, perhaps changing his position could hep with composition
#1 I reckon changing to portrait would get more of the nice sky and keep the reflection in the water or stepping back could have done it as well. But nice all the same.

#2 Were you underwater when you shot this? :lol:

#3&4 I say invest in a polarizing filter.
Cheers Joshua n Rokvi for your feedback!

I did have a polarising filter in my bag!! Major school boy error, but that's what you get for being a noobie.

I wasn't under water for the 2nd just very lucky getting the weather on the night and the calm water in the canal.


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