My camera took a header this weekend and broke my lens.
I've decided to take the insurance money and get a lens that is actually appropriate for the dog events I am shooting.
I need a 2.8 zoom for a Nikon D50. I primariliy shoot Personal Protection trials, so I need SPEED.
Any thoughts on brand and/or specific lenses? I'm on a budget (like everyone) but I have about 800 useless pictures from this weekend, so I can't afford not to get a good lens.
I've decided to take the insurance money and get a lens that is actually appropriate for the dog events I am shooting.
I need a 2.8 zoom for a Nikon D50. I primariliy shoot Personal Protection trials, so I need SPEED.
Any thoughts on brand and/or specific lenses? I'm on a budget (like everyone) but I have about 800 useless pictures from this weekend, so I can't afford not to get a good lens.