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looking for a 2.8 zoom lens


TPF Noob!
Aug 2, 2006
Reaction score
My camera took a header this weekend and broke my lens.

I've decided to take the insurance money and get a lens that is actually appropriate for the dog events I am shooting.

I need a 2.8 zoom for a Nikon D50. I primariliy shoot Personal Protection trials, so I need SPEED.

Any thoughts on brand and/or specific lenses? I'm on a budget (like everyone) but I have about 800 useless pictures from this weekend, so I can't afford not to get a good lens.


since you said it's for events I'm guessing you'll need something in the telephoto range. a nikkor 70-200 2.8 VR or 80-200 2.8ED sounds terrific for what you're doing. check reviews here:



you can get the 70-200 for like $1600 and the older 80-200 version for like $1300. if you need something cheaper, check out the sigma 70-200 2.8 EX (around $800).

more reviews on those and more lenses here:

hope that helps! and welcome to tpf :D
I can highly recommend the Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 VR.
There's an 80-200ED f/2.8 used for sale for about $500 over at the nikonians.org forums. It's the old push-pull model, but optically it's solid. If you can snag that, that's about the cheapest deal you'll find.

(Disclaimer: I am not the seller nor am I associated with him/her in any way; I just saw the deal and figured I'd point it out)

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