Looking for Silverfast license for Epson V700


TPF Noob!
Aug 15, 2018
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Bought scanner second hand and it did not come with the license, so I need to get it separately. Licenses are scanner-specific, so I need the one for V700 precisely. If you don't plan to use your V700 Silverfast, please let me know. Thanks a lot!
The software is only $49. But honestly I prefer the Epson software myself.

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The epson software works pretty good. Easier to use. I think Silverfast is more robust but the Epson software gets the job done.
The software is only $49. But honestly I prefer the Epson software myself.

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Hi, could you please point me to where its price is $49? I only found it for 299 on laserSoft site. Thanks
The epson software works pretty good. Easier to use. I think Silverfast is more robust but the Epson software gets the job done.
Yeah, I'm familiar with Epson. I'd like to get SilverFast though, colors are not the same. Epson gives me quite sickening color casts that are extremely hard to remove. Like brownish-orange cast for color negs. B&W are easy, I have no problems using just Epson scan util. Cheers

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