Looking for some honest opinion,


TPF Noob!
Jan 16, 2023
Reaction score
Porto, Portugal
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hello everyone,
New here , just signed in yesterday , looking forward to join the community :)
I've been taking photos for more than 2 years now, absolutly love photograhpy and recently thinking about making more serious , would you guys give me some opinion about what do you yhink of some of my photos ?
Just be honest, i'll take whatever you guys have to say :smug:


  • chinatown.PNG
    342.5 KB · Views: 93
  • london.PNG
    334.1 KB · Views: 73
  • pena.PNG
    389.2 KB · Views: 74
  • portugal1.PNG
    284.9 KB · Views: 75
Hi. You’re well on your way. Focus looks good and exposure is spot on. I like the compositions in that street scene a lot. Maybe tweak the sharpening a bit in that first one. Also there’s a lot of empty sky showing in a couple of these, try to shoot either when the sky is more interesting or compose in a way that has less empty space, maybe a vertical crop would suit those two shots better. You’re off to a great start!

For future posts, it helps when asking for critique if you say a bit about what you saw and were trying to convey.
Ok first of all feel free to disregard my thoughts and ideas, this just how I think. Not right not wrong just my thoughts

London image; I would have cropped so that the puller support bottom right was the corner of the image
i would have cloned out the bird
the sky I would have used the dodge and burn tool (photoshop elements) to see if I could get some more detail in the sky.
keep the images coming, as said tell us the why and story of the image. Even now I get an image or two that are not
”right” and I don’t know why. Telling the why and what I wanted helps others pass on ideas
First welcome to the forums. Second, take whatever I say as my opinion and my aesthetic viewpoint. You have to be comfortable with your own work.

I think the pictures are good. I think you could have cropped out some distracting elements that pull my eye away from the subjects. For example, in the first, the awning at the top. Also, the out-of-focus foreground areas in the third shot. The two people are the subjects and interests. The right side and bottom just distract from them.

There's too much blank sky in a couple. Vignetting is OK. But don't overuse it on every picture because then it becomes gimmicky. Also don't overdo it. My theory is to use only enough to draw the viewers' eyes into the subject without them noticing that you're doing it.

In the last, the person on the right gets lost because of the rock behind her. When shooting people, when one person blocks another or there's something in the background that forces the person to be lost in the picture, that is usually not good. Try to separate people out so they stand on their own or place them where they don't get lost in background elements.

Good luck.
have cloned out the bir
Hi. You’re well on your way. Focus looks good and exposure is spot on. I like the compositions in that street scene a lot. Maybe tweak the sharpening a bit in that first one. Also there’s a lot of empty sky showing in a couple of these, try to shoot either when the sky is more interesting or compose in a way that has less empty space, maybe a vertical crop would suit those two shots better. You’re off to a great start!

For future posts, it helps when asking for critique if you say a bit about what you saw and were trying to convey.
Hey, thank you so much for the feedfback
Yes i think one of my biggest mistakes is the sharpening, still trying to work on it , as good as I can .
Still learning a lot from photography,
For future posts thank you for tip asking for a critique , will do nex time :smug:
Ok first of all feel free to disregard my thoughts and ideas, this just how I think. Not right not wrong just my thoughts

London image; I would have cropped so that the puller support bottom right was the corner of the image
i would have cloned out the bird
the sky I would have used the dodge and burn tool (photoshop elements) to see if I could get some more detail in the sky.
keep the images coming, as said tell us the why and story of the image. Even now I get an image or two that are not
”right” and I don’t know why. Telling the why and what I wanted helps others pass on ideas
Hey, thank you for the feedback :smug:
I would never thought about cloning out the bird, but now that you mentioned it , it does sounds like a good idea, and the sky looks actually bad , i need to improve my skills with burn tool and others to get more from my photos.
I'll definetly start to say why :smug:
Well come to the group.

Photography, makes a great hobby. You can shoot and print whatever strikes your fancy. You can post them and learn a lot about the techniques others would have used with the same print.

Eventually, you develop you own personal style and opinions.
I know virtually nothing, but it looks like you have a knack for finding interesting things to shoot, from the standpoint of color and composition. I think I might crop differently. I'll bet you end up doing some really good work.
Not a bad start.

Look at the images and mind where your eye starts and where it leads. Look for opportunities to avoid centering things such as the spire, the man, the lighthouse. Makes the image feel static. (look up rule of thirds as a basic guideline). Be mindful of what is dominant in the image and what your intended subject was. (the bridge is dominant in the image with the spire/dome, but the spire/dome seems to really be the subject)

The first image with the lanterns seems to have the most potential.

The image with the man is confused and muddied a bit by whatever out of focus items are nearest to the camera.

Clear that you're seeing what's interesting, however, and you're in the neighborhood... you'd be amazed how few changes take a so-so picture and make it better. Keep at it.
Hello everyone,
New here , just signed in yesterday , looking forward to join the community :)
I've been taking photos for more than 2 years now, absolutly love photograhpy and recently thinking about making more serious , would you guys give me some opinion about what do you yhink of some of my photos ?
Just be honest, i'll take whatever you guys have to say :smug:
Take a look at information on composition, study photographs that inspire you and why they do, look at other photographers portfolios, not to copy but to learn techniques. Consider courses in photography that should improve knowledge. all the best.
Absolutely LOVE your works and colors you've chosen for them, it looks amazing! The last one, though, would probably look nice if made black and white with a color accent (like here), but it looks amazing the way it is, too.
As someone who has also been doing photography for not very long. I just knew when I was truly happy with my images.

Put in the effort and we'll continue improving and feeling the satisfaction. 🌞

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