Looking up your fear


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Sep 12, 2013
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So i saw some weird pictures of many holes close next to each other. I looked up what it was and why i have a phobia of it and it shows tens of pictures of many disgusting holes, and i just cringe. I mean why would they put those pictures next to the phobia? Is the internet just doing it out of spite, or is this some cold scientific approach made by a guy in a sterile lab? Just look up your phobia or look up mine which is called: Trypophobia if you wanna cringe in disgust even on legitimate websites.
They want to teach people that don't know ab out it what they are talking about it. Not necessarily reinforce the vision.
If those pictures are there i'd rather just not know.
omgosh! I never heard of this. That is... wow. Some of the pictures look like bee hives on the people! I can see why you find it hard to look at that. I have never seen a person with a disease that caused holes on them like that. I never knew there was a fear of holes though. I am scared of spiders... and the moon. I don't know another person who can say they fear the moon. lol
See i on the other hand don't fear spiders or the moon at all. Phobias are just an irrational reaction you cannot really control. Its like if you get hungry or thirsty, it really is something that basic in my experience.
Whatever you do... Don't go here.

It's a real phobia, and images that cause a reaction for you are called "triggers". So if you're looking things up regarding this, try to avoid anything with a trigger tag.

I have the phobia myself, but most of the pictures associated with it are just plain disgusting and would make anyone cringe.

The best way to tell if you're actually bothered by it is to fins images that are not as repulsive...



imgur: the simple image sharer

Those are normal pics that would trigger a response if you have the phobia.
In the famous words of Mcpout extraordinaire: 'Villains!' I shrieked. 'Dissemble no more!
Coulrophobia = fear of clowns - me! :pale:

Although it's gotten much better since I did a research paper on it, they're still horrible.
Coulrophobia = fear of clowns - me! :pale: Although it's gotten much better since I did a research paper on it, they're still horrible.

That's called be a rational human being.
Wow never knew there was a fear of holes, learn something new everyday.

I saw some of the pics on the first link shared from reddit and found them to be sort of cool looking.

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