"Love Is Forever..."


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Aug 2, 2015
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X Pro-2
ISO 250
1/125 Sec.
Fujifilm XF 16mm f/1.4 R WR
16 mm Equivalent 24 mm

(Processed In LR & PS)


Thanks For Looking Any Comments/Criticism Will Be Appreciated.


I quite like that subdued style of processing. Suits the subject matter very well.
I agree with comment about the subdued processing - perfect for this subject.
so sad and so beautiful at the same time..
Love may be forever, but Apparently thumbs aren't. :1398:
This photo hit home for me. I wanted to cry and smile at the same time. I lost my daughter 10 years ago, and each year I visit her grave on her birthday and leave a single red rose. As the years go by it gets a little easier, but the pain on our heart never really goes away,
This photo hit home for me. I wanted to cry and smile at the same time. I lost my daughter 10 years ago, and each year I visit her grave on her birthday and leave a single red rose. As the years go by it gets a little easier, but the pain on our heart never really goes away,

@Ian63 Thank you very much, very sorry for your loss, just know your daughter has been made whole by our Lord & Savior - God Bless!
I too like the subdued processing, and would have preferred that the rose be a bit more subdued as well. It really boings compared to the rest of the image. I suspect that you had masked out the rose from your method of subduing the main portion of the image. Perhaps a little less masking?

I think I would also have liked the purple chrysanthemums to be more subdued since the rose and the statue are the focal points. Two ways to accomplish subduing the mums would be selective desaturating or my preferred way, a layer set to color blend mode, painting a little green over the purple. Green is the complement of magenta. Painting the complement of a color over that color calms it down.
An easy way of getting the complement is to use your color picker and select the purple. Then invert the color. With brush set to 5% flow paint a bit at a time to get what you want. And adjust layer opacity.

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