Love your toupee Bob.


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 8, 2009
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Somewhere in Florida
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Thanks Bob!

It is especially funny if you know a guy named Bob who wears a hair hat LOL

Nice shot :thumbup:
Thanks for the comments. What are these birds by the way? I'm awful at knowing the names of things.
Pretty sure thats Crested caracara. It's in the Hawk family but think it associates with the vulture. Nice shot and that does look like a bad toupee
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Pretty sure thats Crested caracara. It's in the Hawk family but think it associates with the vulture. Nice shot and that does look like a bad toupee

Thanks for the info. I always say I will do better at getting the names of things, but it's just not in my nature.
Waking up next to someone is always frightening. ;)
Between the "hair" and the beaks, this could be my ex father-in-law and his sidekick baby brother.

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