Macro Tubing


TPF Noob!
Apr 23, 2013
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I would like to be able to take sharper and more zoomed in macro pictures with my current d3100 and kit lens.

I can't afford a macro lens at the moment but was surfing the net and came across extensions tubes.

My questions;

Will a extension tube work on my kit lens? How does it connect?

Will it make a big enough difference to warrant the purchase?

How much should i be spending?

And any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for any feedback
I have no experience with extension tubes but, I have used a Raynox 1.5 and they work very well with kit lenses. Just snap it on your lens and away you go. Raynox DCR-150 Snap-On Macro Lens
Thanks greybeard. will look into your suggestion
Extension tubes will work with your kit lens.. but please buy good extension tubes with full electrical connections if you go that route.

The really cheap ones Fotodiox 10-MCR-CN-Kit Canon EOS Macro Extension Tube Set Kit for Extreme Close-Up: Camera & Photo take away several important functions.

The Kenkos are recommended Kenko Auto Extension Tube Set DG 12mm, 20mm, and 36mm Tubes for Nikon AF Digital and Film Cameras - AEXRUBEDGC: Camera & Photo but there are some midrange tubes that do have electrical connectors that will probably be ok.... Vivitar VIV-EXT-C 3-Set Extension Tubes for Canon: Camera & Photo

The Raynox that Greybeard recommended also does an excellent job. I have the DCR250.. Raynox DCR-250 Super Macro Snap-On Lens: Electronics and it does a very nice job, see below:

Fleshfly (family Sarcophagidae) by CGipson Photography, on Flickr
cgipson, thanks for your response also. I think im going to go down the Raynox road. Not sure i like the idea of all the extension tubes making the camera heavier and more likely to knock. Thanks though for the links. BTW, that fly is amazing

Question, will the cameras auto-focus still work with the
cgipson, thanks for your response also. I think im going to go down the Raynox road. Not sure i like the idea of all the extension tubes making the camera heavier and more likely to knock. Thanks though for the links. BTW, that fly is amazing

Question, will the cameras auto-focus still work with the

Most macro is done with manual focus.. as AF is just not that precise at macro ranges. I would say yes.. it will still work, but you may want to switch to manual focus to capture what you want.
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Thanks, going to purchase one now :)
I'd suggest extension tubes also. There is no extra glass added to the equation. More glass means less sharp...

extension tubes d3100 | eBay
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This is a photo I got using extension tubes. However I got cheap ones without electronics and luckily I had old film lenses I could use with it. Here is a shot I took the other day.

And that fly is dead btw.


  • $image-3625972396.jpg
    60.6 KB · Views: 139
Most macro photographers eventually end up with several different lenses, tubes, various diopters or other specialty lenses, rails, specialized macro flashes, and various other toys that are all dedicated to Macro Photography.

For a rookie just trying to start out, I usually recommend the following:

Starting out... budget not an issue (sorted by functionality and ease of use) :

1 A dedicated 1:1 Macro Lens (OEM 85 to 105 mm) < most expensive options (Tokina 100mm, Tamron 90mm) < least expensive options (buying used is always a good idea!) (lots of other lenses available too..)
2 Kenko Tubes
3 Raynox Lenses

To those trying to start out inexpensively, but with decent gear that will work easily with the least frustration (in order of expense, Cheapest first):

1 Raynox Lenses ( very easy to use.. and they do give excellent images)
2 Extension Tubes that have full electrical connectivity... not the super cheap ones that lack any connectivity (those can be very frustrating to a noob)
3 An older used macro lens that may or may not have full compatibility with your existing camera... typically manual focus only, and with external aperture ring.
4 A used modern dedicated macro lens.

For those that want to play, or buy as CHEAPLY as possibly and just deal with the potential frustrations.. plus you will need an older lens with an aperture ring if you want decent functionality (in order of expense, Cheapest first)

1 Super cheap tubes (no connectivity) (typically no aperture control - need a manual aperture ring AKA older lenses)
2 Lens reversal rings (typically no aperture control - need a manual aperture ring AKA older lenses )
3 An older used macro lens that may or may not have full compatibility with your existing camera... typically manual focus only, and with external aperture ring.
Thanks guys,

i got the Raynox today and very impressed.

Fly by Pisto1981, on Flickr

Took this today and the fly was a few mm long.

Any idea how to improve DOF? Really not much room for error with these
Can I bump to get c&c on my fly and get some advice on DOF using raynox? Or should I repost?

Shoot at Minimum of F16... even F22 if you light it well! I usually used a diffused flash (sometimes on camera, sometimes off) to get good exposure and contrast. That will also allow you to shoot at smaller apertures more reliably.

Not bad.. It does take a little practice!

If you have an external flash... this works great:

If all you have is the pop-up flash, this might help:
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Thanks again cgipson. hopefully i'll be posting some great macro shots soon :)
You shot it at F7.1. Like cgipson1 said, a higher F# will give more DOF. Nice shot by the way...

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