March 2014 - Photo of the Month Nominations

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"In A World" by Jenko

Click on image to view larger.

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Easiest was is to quote the original message and copy the text and paste it into a new reply box on the nomination threads.
Oh, sorry, you lost me there. If I copy and paste the text of the original post, how does the image get posted here?

From the directions:

How to nominate: Just right click the picture you'd like to nominate..... go to 'properties' and paste the location into the image icon on this thread as follows:

Then just add the name of the photographer, the title of the photo they gave it (if given, or thread title name) and then a link to the thread where it was posted.
Awesome Shot!!
Mesmerizing!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
March was/is one hell of a month for noms.
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