Maria at night


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Jan 1, 2014
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$Maria on Ybor.webp
OK. So clearly: ISO 10,000 is not a good idea. But other than that what would you change?

I'd have liked to switch to a lens with a larger aperture to lower DoF (may reshoot this with my 100mm f2.8). Obviously: bring down the shutter-speed to get that ISO more reasonable. On a reshoot, I'd like to recompose to get the garage out of the right side, but I'm ambivalent on cropping it from this in post.
work with the light here...
would love to see a reshoot because I would love to see Maria in her best ;)
ISO 10,000? Dang! Talk about low-light monster!
It's ambient light. I'm often shooting out-and-about and without flash or anything of the kind. This was one of those times.

The pic is white-balanced and exposure compensated, but otherwise as-shot. Any specific changes if I find myself back in that parking garage?
IMO, this shot would benefit from more light on her face, and framed in portrait format.

Shooting ambient light doesn't mean that you just out your subject somewhere pretty and let the light do whatever it happens to be doing. You still need to observe the light and see how it will make your subject look its best.

Specifically, in this photo Maria's eyes, nose and mouth are in dark shadow while the side of her face is well exposed. If you had her turn to her left so that light found her face, it would improve this shot.
You could have solved two problems by taking two steps to the right. You wouldn't have had the truck in the background and there would be more light on her face. The lighting would still be too harsh IMO, but it would have been better.
I *like* shadows... but I agree it gets too uneven between the bright crescent dark portions of her face. I'm not sure turning her toward her left is better than to her right, but I agree the turn should be done.

I can't remember if the backdrop stayed that nice if I'd panned left, but the "two steps right" sounds really worth trying (I know there's a railing I was working to keep out-of-shot).

I seem to be in a minority of one in that I don't really prefer a portrait version that replaces a bunch of good background with more subject. As long as she's not lost in the noise, and I don't think she is, I like that general composition.

Thanks for the suggestions so far, esp the comment on the lighting being too stark. I didn't see that then but do now.
I like the bokeh balls in the background. The bright yellow object in the LLC is a distraction. I think it needs more vibrance and saturation added in post, which is no surprise, since uber-elevated ISO values kill color depth. Maybe a touch more room above the top of her head would have helped...seems a wee bit crowded.
what was it shot at? 100,000 iso wasn't really a problem.
Well, Hi2 on that camera (Canon 6D) is ISO 102,400; but that's not very usable. The shot above is ISO 10k.
what was it shot at? 100,000 iso wasn't really a problem.
Well, Hi2 on that camera (Canon 6D) is ISO 102,400; but that's not very usable. The shot above is ISO 10k.

let me correct myself: 10,000 wasn't a problem.

you suggested going back out with a f/2.8 lens, what was the above shot at?
what was it shot at? 100,000 iso wasn't really a problem.
Well, Hi2 on that camera (Canon 6D) is ISO 102,400; but that's not very usable. The shot above is ISO 10k.

let me correct myself: 10,000 wasn't a problem.

you suggested going back out with a f/2.8 lens, what was the above shot at?
My mis-understanding. The pic was shot at f4 (with a Canon 24-105mm F/4L).
I'd like to go below 2.8, but the only lens I have that will do less right now is a 50mm prime; which might put me unflatteringly close to the subject.

I'm guessing the meta data is missing. I'll have to look at how to include that in future uploads.
you could try a bit of noise reduction on this shot and probably salvage something decent.
you could try a bit of noise reduction on this shot and probably salvage something decent.

noise/grain/high iso/bacon is not the "issue" with the picture.

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