medium back vs new 35mm camera


TPF Noob!
Dec 8, 2010
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Boston, MA
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I am still shooting a hasselblad 305 film (dinosaur!). I am considering going digital here, but would like opinions of this choice vs a 35mm digital as far as picture quality and use. I have been away from things for awhile and am starting to live again!
Have a look at the specs of digital backs for your camera and you will see that they are not as blazingly fast as top end full frame digital 35mm size cameras. They are really suited for a studio environment. They are expensive, but if you already have a small fortune in lenses the economics of a digital back are a bit different, especially when you replace your lenses for compatibility with a new body.
IMO it depends on what you shoot, 35mm digital produces excellent quality now quite cheaply but if you want ultimate quality in a studio situation for fashion/advertising I'd personally upgrade to MF digital. H
Welcome to the new world! ;)

First off, see what digital backs can be retro-fitted to your Hasselblad. This will give you an idea of what you can get, and at what price point. If you are making huge blow-ups regularly, or are selling commercially, and your clients expect extremely high resolution files, then this is the way to go.

Otherwise, if your gear isn't easily compatible, or you don't foresee needing huge files (where a 21-25 mp size is adequate), then a 35mm DSLR can do the job for you. Personally, I haven't had a client complain of the resolution of my 21mp Canon cameras (and we've done 6' backlights of diamond jewelry for tradeshows often).

Bottom line is that both provide stunning imagery, and really, unless you need those extra pixels, it's hard to justify a medium format back (unless you have the means/clients to pay for it).


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