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Jul 18, 2015
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Part of the fridge :icon_sad:

Kind of looks like the inside of a Conch shell to me. I guess if it is part of the fridge it's not a good thing.

Nice abstract though.
interesting image. Great colors.
Fantastic abstract image, have it made into a large poster and then hang it on the wall!
Def a nice Abstract and i would have never guessed.Making art in the fridge who knew.I also agree on the pastels are very pleasant.
Kind of looks like the inside of a Conch shell to me. I guess if it is part of the fridge it's not a good thing.

Nice abstract though.
Thank you the repair won't be too expensive.

interesting image. Great colors.
Thank you!

Fantastic abstract image, have it made into a large poster and then hang it on the wall!
Thanks very much. It would be fun to view in a large size.

Def a nice Abstract and i would have never guessed.Making art in the fridge who knew.I also agree on the pastels are very pleasant.

:) Thank you. The colors are partially due to the camera's auto WB, but I like the colors as well and it's very close to accurate with some saturation boost.
What exactly is it?
What exactly is it?

It is a light bulb cover/light diffuser for the light inside the refrigerator. Some food items pushed the cover against the bulb which melted the plastic and broke the bulb. I still have to dig the broken light bulb out of the socket.

I photographed the diffuser with a speedlight behind it.
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What exactly is it?

It is a light bulb cover/light diffuser for the light inside the refrigerator. Some food items pushed the cover against the bulb which melted the plastic and broke the bulb. I still have to dig the broken light bulb out of the socket.

I photographed the diffuser with a speedlight behind it.

Ah, right. Cheers, I couldn't work out what it was.
What a great abstract! Love this one, you nailed it.

Nominated for TPF photo of the month!
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So kind thank you.
Cool image! One look at your post and I figured it was a who-done-it, lol. So I enlarged your image 6X in Gigapixel AI (which did an incredible job, BTW), before spoiling it by reading the rest of the thread... but I was still totally stumped, lol. Looked like a 12,500 year old elevator shaft discovered in a remote Antarctic ice melt :eek-new:

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