Memorial Union Quad after a light snow

Majeed Badizadegan

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Jul 14, 2011
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I think the second one is way better than the first. All though I do like the sky colors in the first more. It would be nice if you were to add a warming filter or go to image/adjust/match color and select neutralize for the second photo. I understand it is probably cold outside but the picture IMO looks to cold needs some more color besides the blue tinge to make the building seem inviting.
Nice sky on #1. One suggestion is to use the other exposures to even out the light between the snow (too white) and the near front of the grass (to dark).
I think the second one is way better than the first. All though I do like the sky colors in the first more. It would be nice if you were to add a warming filter or go to image/adjust/match color and select neutralize for the second photo. I understand it is probably cold outside but the picture IMO looks to cold needs some more color besides the blue tinge to make the building seem inviting.

there were some siginficant blue casts in all my exposures on the building so I had to manually bring down the satuaration. The most representative of the scene is probably the whites depicted here but I can see how a maybe small warmth boost couldn't hurt.

Nice sky on #1. One suggestion is to use the other exposures to even out the light between the snow (too white) and the near front of the grass (to dark).

I see what you're saying, thanks Janok. I noticed some odd Cyan casts in the snow as well, and a bit of blown sky to the top right, so it's still a work in progress surely.

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