Minolta Flashmeter IV


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Apr 15, 2008
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selling off some of the backups to the backups in the studio.

Minolta Flashmeter IV with hard to find 10 degree reflected attachment.

Meters continuous and flash, corded or cordless. Great meter for most any use, Shows plenty of signs of use, and the #*($ lettering they silkscreen on the front for the mode selector is worn off, though the modes are shown on the LCD. One great feature is the ability to trim the meter calibration to match any other meters you may have, up to -.8EV and +.7EV.

I have several meters and find I use my Sekonics more often. Save a bunch off of ebay or KEH pricing, I just want to see it go to a good home where it will get some use. Comes with a PDF file of the manual as well.


How about $125.00 with shipping (CONUS only)SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD
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Anybody have even a passing interest, before it goes to ebay?
Hi eptasellis,
I'm interested in the Flashmeter. Price is ok to me, but only one problem: I live in Germany. Would you send it to Germany as well? Any idea about the shipping costs and customs?
I would be very glad if this is possible!
Thanks in advance

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