"Missed Focus"?


TPF Noob!
Oct 30, 2008
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I see on quite a few C&C's where the critique is that the subject is OOF, or the photo is "soft".

My question is, how does on properly focus? I obviously use the viewfinder and the focus dots, but how does one only focus on a certain feature? Like, in protraiture the focus should be on the eyes.

Any thoughts would be most helpful :)
Manual auto focus points. You set the point in which you want to focus, you place the point over the eyes and bam! There you have it.
You can set your autofocus to use only one focusing point (viewfinder dot), preferably the center one. If you don't know how to do it, you'll have to check it in the manual, as I am a Canon user and have no idea how it's done in the D90.

This way you'll be able to decide where exactly you want your focus. After pointing the central focus point on the subject (eye of the model), press your shutter button half way and the lens will focus. Then you can recompose the shot, since most of the times you don't want the eye in the center of the shot (but be careful not to change the distance between the camera and your subject) and press the shutter button fully to take the shot. This may sound complicated but just practice for a few minutes and you'll see how it works.
d90: hold down AF button and turn knob until you get to AF-S (AutoFocus-Single Point)

You can use the directional on the back to move which point you will use, personally, I use the center point.
That sounds awesome, I need to setup my camera to do that
d90: hold down AF button and turn knob until you get to AF-S (AutoFocus-Single Point)

You can use the directional on the back to move which point you will use, personally, I use the center point.

danke, just saved me from reading my manual
d90: hold down AF button and turn knob until you get to AF-S (AutoFocus-Single Point)

You can use the directional on the back to move which point you will use, personally, I use the center point.

danke, just saved me from reading my manual

Read your manual anyway, then these questions wouldn't come up. It's amazing, it's like the manual tells you exactly how to use your camera...

Wait a minute..... the person who has a sig line link advertising their wedding photography services was wondering how to properly focus?


Maybe the "with Flare" part?

No one mentioned back button focus. No one mentioned that there are 2 kinds of focus points and that one of those types is more accurate than the other. No one mentioned the technique of recomposing when using single focus. No one mentioned those situations when auto focus has difficulties and manual focus should be used.

Which are all covered in various sections of the D90 Users Manual.
Maybe the "with Flare" part?

Which I hoping is an attempt at a pun, and not a malapropism. Wouldn't THAT be embarassing....

"Flair" -
  • A natural talent or aptitude; a knack:
"Flare" -
  • An unwanted reflection within an optical system or the resultant fogging of the image.

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