More headshot C&C!

C&C per req:

1. Not bad, the exposure is acceptable, 'though a bit flat. A little bit of OCF image left would have helped add some 'pop' and put some life into his eyes. Also, avoid having sujects lean against walls like this; his head has a slightly unnatural tilt to it.

2. Better lighting in that there's some highlight and shadow, and catchlights in his eyes which add a little life. I wish the highlight on his hair was a little less intense, again, a bit of OCF wouldn't have gone amiss.

Overall these are good shots, and I'm sure will serve him well.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

Thank you! I am about to buy Lightroom and then it will be a little longer until I can afford another flash. That is the last piece of equipment I will need to replace of my gear that was stolen.
First of all, start with ten lashes with a rusty cable-release for over-use of the cliched brick-wall background! ;) Three images... three white balances... Hmmm... Really, all of these need some fill light. One general tip for headshots, unless they're for a specific purpose where it's appropriate, avoid images such as the first one in the second set where the subject is looking down on the viewer; this is a dominant pose which places the subject in a stronger position than the viewer, something which doesn't always go down well with people reviewing headshots.
My only consideration would be skin tone. He looks a little pale in comparison to the general white balance (something you'll correct in LR, I presume?) Otherwise, I'm with tirediron on the ocf
Yeah, the first one in the second set was me testing out Peter Hurley's SQUINCH thing he has been promoting like crazy. I'm not a huge fan of that one myself either.
Thank you so much!

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