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Jan 2, 2007
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Cali, Colombia
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I was on the Pacific coast of Colombia in Chocó department and went into a bat cave with a local. While leaning against a rock shelf in the cave I noticed movement close by. I went to snap a picture thinking it was a bat it turned out to be a Chocoan Bushmaster no more than three feet away. They are the biggest poisonous snake in the world reaching 9 feet and deliver a huge amount of venom that has an effect similar to Ebola virus. Fortunately we made no brusque movements and avoided startling it. My companion recognized what it was and said we've got to get the (bad word) outta here now! The snake was moving behind a rock form as I went to take the picture but I got enough to identify it.

Glad nothing went wrong, I watched a special about bushmasters a long while back, they are definately nothing to fool with.
Thank you Jeff.
Three feet away and you didn't get bit, you are one lucky guy! I don't believe though that it's the worlds largest venomous snake, though. If I recall correctly the King Cobra has the record for that. Interesting read, thanks!
King Cobra | National Geographic
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Inland Taipan is, one bite is enough venom to kill 100 adult Men. Count your blessings you where not bitten.
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wow glad your safe and saw this guy.. and even took a photo
WOW! That is an awesome story - a story your son or daughter will surely tell their children as to how brave their grandfather is. Like everyone else, glad nothing bad happened!
I stand corrected. I thought I read somewhere it was the largest. Missinformed.
I am glad we only have two as far as i know in CT to worry about that are venomous which is the Copperhead and the Timber rattle snake not to say there is nothing out there we don't know about but two is two many as far i am concerned.
It was at the dry cleaners :1251:.
This is where we are lucky in the UK. We don’t have that many native poisonous snakes. I only know of the Adder.
Most times they will get out of your way. Sometimes you will see walkers throw stones, sticks ahead of them so as to move any snakes.

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