Morning Jogger - comments please


TPF Noob!
Aug 7, 2007
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I love it!! But then, I'm still learning and developing "the eye," so take that compliment for what it's worth, you know!! Seriously, though, I love the sunburst -- love sunburst pictures, and this one looks lovely!!!
I like it, one of those photos that makes you feel like you are there.
The sun beam is way too distracting, maybe crop it down a little?
For what it's worth I seem to have a problem with the conflict of the calming ocean & sky and the fact that the jogger is almost out of running space, (although you could also call this irony and this could also be what some people like about the shot). The jogger has just a little bit of room to run which gives a slight sense of uneasiness but the rest of the setting seems to be very calming and "sunny" (pun intended).
I love the color that you captured and the technicality of the photo is good to me; however, I would maybe have liked to see the jogger on the right side of the photo so as to give a more definitive emotion to attach oneself to. For example, if the jogger has more space to "run" it might make the soothing, calming, appeal of this photo even that much stronger.


i concur with bpantell... the runners journey is about over... i generally prefer to see things heading in a direction of what does the future hold, rather then what did their journey already encounter... and in this image, there isn't much of anything different then what's likely to be ahead...

otherwise, its a lovely image.
Your colors are rich. Your subject is in focus. Your horizon is straight and on the lower-third.

I get the feeling of triumph from this, as if the runner is just about to arrive at the summit, or in this case, at the sunburst. The left-imbalance of this photo creates a tension different than that created by curves and diagonals.

Another option would have been to crop the photo to a portrait of just the runner and the sunburst, thus putting the runner on the right of the frame and giving him room to run. That would have been a more traditional composition.

I enjoy this photograph. Nice eye.
Asbury Park, NJ.

Thanks everyone for the comments. I may try a different crop and post it once I go through all of my vacation pictures from OBX.

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