There's a few more now. So far I am not really happy with any of the pictures we have taken but it was a good learning experience. We did not bring a lot of equipment on the shoot so we were fairly limited as to what we could do lighting wise. The mud was fun but seems like more of a gimmick than anything else. The biggest thing I would say was not really the photography. We had 4 models there and they remaining three that were not being shot would get restless. I had more trouble taking care of the off camera models than the on camera ones. I bought them a Frisbee and a nerf football which seemed to keep things under control. It also provided for some pretty funny photos.
Anyway, if I were to do it over I would take one or two models per day, and have plenty of things for them to do when not active. Food also seems to be a great motivator. I found this out on accident and had a much easier time afterwards.
I also lost a knob off my tripod. Does anyone know if you can buy replacement knobs? It a boegen, I imagine there would be a kit somewhere but I haven't found one yet.