My cat.


TPF Noob!
Jun 8, 2006
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Can others edit my Photos
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What do you think?
you need a different background
Need to focus better
to little DOF the front part of the cat only is focused
Looks like over exposed also
you need a different background
Need to focus better
to little DOF the front part of the cat only is focused
Looks like over exposed also

which background?
Where to focus? i was focusing the front part... the other way is bad.
DOF was made to make the cat to be more soft

overexposed maybe just because of the light.. straight to cat
I like these photos. When seeing them I have said… “these photos makes a person with sensitivity and that knows to photograph”
The defocusing I like much, also the tonality qe you have given the photos.
Greetings from Spain.
The second pic is definitely stronger than the first. I think that your DOF is too shallow in the first, and while I think it makes an interesting abstract, I don't think that that was your intention...perhaps if you had focused on someting 1/2 way between the fore- and background... It seems that that might be an ear sticking out? That might have been better to use than the extreme foreground.

It's a cute cat you got there.
I LOVE IT. I love the 2nd one the most, though. The first one would've been better if the cat in the background was in focus.

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