My first flower pics! Please comment and critique


TPF Noob!
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
mineral wells texas
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Thought id try my hand at a few flowers
I am a very new photographer. Please let me know what you think


What's the deal with nipping off the very tips of a petal in each one.
Isn't that sort of like nipping a toe on a person?

#3 the focus is off and the background is intrusive.
These are just pictures of flowers and the flower is doing all the work.
All 3 pictures have the subject just over powering their frame. And each is nearly dead center, which isn't the most pleasing way to compose your images. In each picture you managed to clip one or more of the flowers petals. By leaving room around the flower, and off centering them, both issues would have been taken care of.

Picture #3 has other issues. the background, while being OOF is still composed of recognizable objects, and distracting. There is the bottom of a door on the right, directly behind the flower is a stick and the rim of a white flower pot with a blue lip, to the left is a yellow something, the lower left corner has a pink leaf that needs to be removed. The flower itself seems to be somewhat soft in focus, and there are those white streaks that I'm assuming is dust on your sensor.

On a positive note, all three pictures are nicely exposed, and pictures ! & 2 the focus is dead on.
What software do you have? It is easy for some of us to pontificate when we have Lightroom of Photoshop to assist. I tend to darken the edges to emphasise the subject as well as sometimes blurring the background as suggested if the depth of focus was too deep. Try and use a wider aperture and pull back to get space round your subject - you can always crop to suit. Outside, go for still conditions and try to isolate your bloom - inside try to aim for a plain background. Now digital we are not worried about number of exposures, so try different settings until you find what works best for you! Keep taking and posting and do not be discouraged - we all learn from each other! I started with plate cameras in 1948 as a small boy and still learning!

I get images here pulled apart the have received full marks from judges in club competitions - it is all subjective, most of all ENJOY!
Really like #1.

Thanks, send in more!
I like #2 best.
To me #3 looks washed out in back.

Thanks all comments are appreciated. Ill try and get out to take some more and see if i can improve.

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