my first panoramic


TPF Noob!
Jan 18, 2008
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this was done on the canon software i got with my XT. it has a stitch effect so i wanted to try it out. its not by any means very good but i was just horsing around

Awesome pano.....the fence in left hand corner fades in the water. the bridge seems distorted.... other than that great shot.
The horizon is tilted, the tops of buildings are cropped, and according to the laptop I'm on right now some of the buildings look a bit underexposed.

Just some (hopefully) helpful critiques. It's really important to have your camera perfectly horizontal when you take a pano, so you avoid distortion, cropping, tilted horizons, etc..

On a positive note, the stitching job seems pretty good (from what I can see on the small laptop screen).

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