My first try at Black and White


TPF Noob!
Jan 29, 2009
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I have Been taking photos for about a year(little less now) decided to take some B+W ones.



Finally decided to take a class, so I should get better soon :p, Any criticism is helpful and very welcome though:thumbup:!
First one is nice, but it seems too busy for me, with the trees, and the reflection of them all in the same picture, maybe just focusing on one point would be better.

I love the subject of the second one, but it just seems a bit too dark for me, if that was lighter it'd seem perfect.

Nice shots overall though.
Thanks, yeah I could not seem to take the first one lighter, I got a lot to learn still, im using a D40 right now though.
I agree with the comments made by LonelyTraveler. I always like the starkness of black and white, and if the photo is too busy it detracts from that IMO.
two would be nice, imo, if you completely made the bottom part dark enough to make the whole image a silhouette.

its nice though

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