My friend Tonya, B/W, C&C welcome...


TPF Noob!
Feb 3, 2009
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Well I really don't ever take pictures of people but I was laying in bed talking to my friend and she looked very beautiful so I asked her if I could try a few photos and I got out my camera...

Early morning light with the shades drawn made it real soft light, kinda what I was going for...I was shooting at 400 ISO with my D80, so the photos are kinda grainy but I think it adds to it? This was shot with an old 50mm I had off of my Nikon FM so it was all manual.

I've included a few different versions of each one, let me know what you think...


Not sure if I like this shot vertical or horizontal...


I like the first and the third one. The blurring on the first and second pictures distract me, it looks like she is melting into the sheets. I love her eyes in the third one, great shot!
All pictures have something distracting near the left side of her face.
I was laying down in bed and saw her from the angle where the covers were obstructing her face, I thought it looked kinda cool so thats what I ran with, I can see how it would be distracting though, keep the suggestions coming, thanks guys!
i wish i had friend this hot laying on a bed and talking to me:), sorry.
i liked the pictures.

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