My photo was posted on popular website without link/credit. Opinions?


TPF Noob!
Nov 19, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
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Have you tried contacting the website more than once? I would be annoyed they used it without credit, or asking.

If they dont reply send them something saying your attorney will be contacting them about copywrite infringement (even if its a bluff?) just to get them to take you seriously?

If they steal pics a lot I imagine they are old pro's at it.
Thanks for the reply. I'm gonna try contacting them. I don't think I'll talk about an attorney just yet.

I have since looked around at the website and there are quite a few posts without links or credit. Hmmm.
"Buzzfeed: This post has been removed"Success!
Thanks for the reply. I'm gonna try contacting them. I don't think I'll talk about an attorney just yet.
The first question from the attorney should be, "What is the copyright registration certificate number?"

If the image copyright isn't registered, there's not a whole lot an attorney can do.
Yep. Page removed. I'd rather them just give a link. As far as copyright goes, I think I read that one has 90 days after the work is posted to file for a number. Could be wrong.
Yes, but you can only seek actual damages at that point.

The timing of copyright registration relative to the date of first publication, and an infringement, determines if your attorney can seek statutory and/or actual damages, or only actual damages.

Actual damages are usually a much lower dollar amount than the statutory damages copyright law provides (up tp $150,000 per infringed image).

Plus actual damages have to be proved, statutory damages don't. So most attorney's hope that you registered the ccopyright even before it was published, so they can look forward to the way easier (and profitable) task of seeking statutory damages.

See and in particular - Option #6, the 3rd paragraph.
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Interesting. Does any hobbyist register copyrights regularly? I would imagine pros do.
I think i read somewhere in Flickr's T&C that even if your pro account lapses, images older than the most recent 200 which have been previously blogged are still viewable via those blog posts.

So, after a long, crappy day at work I'm perusing the internet for some mindless entertainment. I click on a link that shows dogs shaking off water. I scroll down and see one of my photos. No link, no credit given. Can't even get any EXIF data from it. As a matter of fact, there are 30 photos with no link or credit given. What's really weird is that this photo isn't even on my current flickr stream (my pro account expired).

This is a pretty popular website, and I'm sure they do pretty well financially. Someone in the comments section mentioned something about licensing, but no response from the site.

30 Dogs Shaking Off The Summer Heat: Pics, Videos, Links, News

Mine is #22.

Any ideas?

BTW, I realize this is minor and probably happens millions of times a day. But still...I guess I finally see after nearly 4 years in photography I need a crappy watermark. Damn.

P.S. I won't be able to answer any replies for a few hours. Thanks in advance!

[h=2]I have a free account. Some of my photos aren't showing up. Why?[/h]On a free account, Flickr limits the number of photos displayed.
If you have fewer than 200 photos, we display them all. If you have more than 200 photos, only the most recent 200 are displayed.
Your photos are not removed from Flickr, only from the list of your photos. If you blogged a photo and it no longer appears in your list, it will still appear on your blog, and the photo's Flickr page will still work just fine.
If some of your photos aren't showing up, don't panic! Just upload some fresh ones. Orupgrade to a Pro Account.
Note: If your free account is inactive for 90 consecutive days, it may be deleted.
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[h=2]What happens if my Pro Account expires?[/h]If your Pro account expires, don't panic! None of your photos or videos have been deleted!
This means instead of enjoying the super-duper capacity of your Pro account, you're now subject to the limits of a free account. If you upgrade again, all of your photos will be waiting for you.
Any of your sets that disappeared will magically reappear when you renew or upgrade.
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I find my photos turning up on ebay for sale from time to time, when I was selling on ebay a while back I had always added "for personal use only, not for commercial purposes" then I would find that some "retail collector" was photo copying the print and offering to sell it for less than he paid, and offering multiple copies. I contact them once, let them know it's copyright infringement and give them 24 hours to remove the photos, after that I contact ebay and alert them that this seller is selling copyrighted material, the photos come down pretty quick.

It is theft, pure and simple.
Interesting. Does any hobbyist register copyrights regularly? I would imagine pros do.
Surprisingly, based on several surveys conducted in recent years, only about 5% of pro photographers register their copyrights.

Consequently I advocate for, and bring up copyright registration at every opportunity.
Interesting. Does any hobbyist register copyrights regularly? I would imagine pros do.
Surprisingly, based on several surveys conducted in recent years, only about 5% of pro photographers register their copyrights.

Consequently I advocate for, and bring up copyright registration at every opportunity.

Out of curiosity, what is the process like? How much does it cost in total and how much time does it take?

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