Lets talk about your B&W shots. I think the shots lack "punch." They are okay but there is nothing that screams "Wow. Look at this image." (mmm... not very helpful yet Duckie).
Okay.. the sunglass shot. My view would be either go for the old model reflecting in one lens or put them on and do a close up.
The foot shot - you allowed the model to move into blurred DOF. The subject becomes the foot which in itself has nothing that grabs the viewer. If you want to make the foot the subject, do something with it (jewellery, shoes .. summat). Otherwise, increase your DOF by heaps.
Shots 3 through 6 are reasonably good but I still think they need something to grab the viewer. Jewellery. A hat. Something.
I would take 7 down. No, I don't mean it's a hopeless shot but remember people judge a series by the weakest shot - and this is it.
Similarly, keep 8 but lose 9.
Notice the colour shots below are much stronger? There are things in there to grab the viewer. The B&W's should have stayed colour because there is no writting on the shirts... nothing that really grabs. That's the thing about B&W - if you don't have a grab, the shot will die.
Hope this helps mate. It was meant to be helpful not a general slam.
Good luck. keep shooting doode.