Nasty Eating Habits


TPF Noob!
Jan 29, 2005
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I have a nasty hangover... there was nothing for it but to have a chicken curry bap for breakfast accompanied by six extra strong coffees. I can now see properly and soon cognoscente abilities and thinking will return. My work colleague just described me as a f@#king minger - which is nice.

What's the nastiest thing you've eaten this week then?!

ahhh.. nothing.

I've hardly eaten anything since Monday. Managed to eat some baked beans just now for dinner but almost threw them up. I did have a huuuge craving for a sausage roll after my latest night out on the town though. That's not that weird though is it? hmmm. I'm boring.
I had 8 cloves of garlic for dinner last night. Later that night those around me couldn't breath due to the um? Wind.
Ewwwww PlasticSpanner! :puke: You're only supposed to "pretend" to eat it. :lol:

I haven't had anything that's really bad this week unless you consider eating too much Italian food to be bad. I made meat sauce Sunday and had it with penne pasta that night. Left overs of the same sauce with spagetti noodles on Monday night and last night for Malachite's birthday, he wanted to eat at our favorite Italian place so we both had seafood linguine. I think that's too much pasta for one week. We usually eat much more sensibly. :lol:
Really nothing bad...I can eat almost anything cold which some people find odd. I did however demand that Aubrey make a cake a few nights ago. He can't complain because he seems to like it too :mrgreen:

The boys had ham and cheese with a pickle all rolled up for breakfast the other morning. :lol:
I ran out of office food (frozen dinners) :lol: and made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I love blueberry preserves and was too generous with them - by the time I got to the sammy, the preserves had leached through the bread and got it all soggy and purple and mushy.

I had nothing else, so I choked it down anyway. It wasn't a happy lunch. Plus I forgot my fig newtons. :x I was cranky and starving by the time I got home.

:lmao: Dumb girl.
Can't say I've eaten anything gross this week. T-bone steak and mashed taters, with cheesecake for dessert sunday night....frozen pizza Monday...Ravioli last night....think I'll keep it simple with sloppy joes or something tonight.
Daniel said:
What are sloppy joes? You don't get them in England.

Ohhh you're missing out! Imagine ground hamburger cooked with a little onion, some garlic salt, a little bit of chili powder, garlic powder, etc... then smothered onto a hamburger bun. That, my tea-loving-friend, is a Sloppy Joe!!
PlasticSpanner said:

NO, Never again! :banghead:

I haven't made it lately but I enjoy fires (chips) with mustard, and a peanut-butter, jelly and mustard sandwitch.

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