ND Filter for canon


TPF Noob!
Sep 3, 2015
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Hello everyone!

I would like to buy an ND filter for my canon 6D. However, after observing several websites, magazines and forums regarding options I became a little confused.
My principal interest would be to do some portraits photos, therefore using the filter to create a shallow depth of field during the day.
I also would like to do some landscape photography and realise this effect.

Any adivces on what should I buy? I assume I should have different gear for each type of photography ?


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The Big Stopper might be a good choice for long, sloooow exposures. It's very popular for landscape use.

For daylight-cutting for portraits, I've used a 2-stop Neutral Density with okay results a few times over the years. It's kind of a pain in the butt to use anything darker though...sooo, hard to frame and see! I think anything darker than a 2-stop ND puts you into tripod-mounted shooting pretty much all the time, so you can frame, lock the head down, and then shoot.

Honestly though--once I got my first camera and flash unit that were both high-speed flash sync capable, I ditched the ND filter in daylight stuff...it's just soooooooo much more-convenient to focus, frame, and to SEE what's being shot with no dark filter on the lens. This allows me to shoot at f/2.8 or f/4 or whatever, outdoors, and use the SB-800 Nikon flash at speeds of around 1/2500 most of the time.

So, yeah, I think you should buy and use different gear: the Big Stopper for landscapes; a 2-stop ND for portraits, OR a flash and camera that can do high-speed flash sync.
Wow thank you, very helpful!
Hello everyone!

I would like to buy an ND filter for my canon 6D. However, after observing several websites, magazines and forums regarding options I became a little confused.
My principal interest would be to do some portraits photos, therefore using the filter to create a shallow depth of field during the day.
I also would like to do some landscape photography and realise this effect.

Any adivces on what should I buy? I assume I should have different gear for each type of photography ?

I don't think you need an ND filter for day time portraits, look at off-camera lighting or shooting in the shade or a longer (200mm f/2) lens

like this portrait photographer
ljholloway photography

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