Sony Alpha 7 III - What type of filter? What do you recommend?


TPF Noob!
Apr 13, 2024
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Good afternoon,

I'm thinking about using filters on my camera and I'd like your opinion on the subject.

SonyAlpha7iii / lens: Sony FE 2.8 70-200 77mm

In this type of photography, photography is carried out in a covered area with some windows allowing light to enter.

On the left side, at certain times it reflects the blue of the water on people. I wanted to know if, without editing, a filter would help...

And on the right side just the reflection on the floor.

what do you recommend?

SonyAlpha7iii / lens: Sony FE 4.5 - 5.6 100-400

In this type of photography it is an open area and I think a UV filter would look great, what do you think and what do you recommend?
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Welcome aboard. Your camera probably has UV filtering built in. I'd consider a polarizer or a neutral density (ND) filter or two.
Agreed. You want a polarising filter if you wish to tidy up those types of shots, take the glare off the water. I run Hoya HD Nano MkII now, but I always found Kenko Celeste to be really good too. A couple of neutral density filters probably wouldn't go astray either.
Agreed. You want a polarising filter if you wish to tidy up those types of shots, take the glare off the water. I run Hoya HD Nano MkII now, but I always found Kenko Celeste to be really good too. A couple of neutral density filters probably wouldn't go astray either.
I'm going to research more about the Polorizer and ND filters to help with the area where the first photos were taken.

Now for other outdoors, maybe a filter, even just to protect the lens as it can be damaged by splashes of water, sand and wind...
I'm thinking of starting with these two filters.

Image 17-04-2024 at 15.01 2.webp
Image 17-04-2024 at 15.01.webp

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