Negative scanners


TPF Noob!
Aug 31, 2010
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Kilkenny. Ireland
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
:thumbup:Hi. I'm new to this. I'm 65 years old and live in Kilkenny Ireland and retired. My hobbies are collecting militaria and lately have started to dabble in photography. I have a particular interest in old negatives. I have a scanner that will develope only 35mm negs.What I would like to know is, if it possible to buy a flatbed scanner that will handle all types of negatives.
Especially ones that are about 50-60 years old,as I have a large ammount of them. Any help in this area would be most welcome. Looking forward to hearing from some helpful soul. Many,many thanks. jakel
I cant offer much in the way of negatives, but I'm sure you came to the right place. Someone here surely knows and or can help

Thanks for the input folks. As I said I am new to this photography business and dont understand the difference between 35-110 mm ect. What mm or whatever you call it are the old negs from a "Box Brownie" camera and older negs. What I'm looking for is a flatbed scanner that will handle ALL type of negs, regardless of what type of film was used. Does such a scanner exist ? I hope I explained myself clear enough . I presently have a VEHO scanner, butit will only do 35mm negs or slides. jakel
v700 thread link shows samples from 645 MF and 35mm negative scans of both color and B&W. IN package, it comes with film holders for 35mm, MF, and 4x5. Its a flatbed with a scanning size of 8x10 so pretty much any negative size can be scanned given you can find a way to mount them in some sort of film holder properly. I've heard of people using some sort of plates of special optical glass to hold various odd sizes of material for scanning.

You can also contact as they might have some input. They sell improved film holders and optical glass plates for scanning purposes.
Hello! I think, that you should set your eyes on Epson V700
If you wanna scan all kind of negatives, get the v700
I have a single 35mm photo negative that has been clipped from the strip and isn't accepted locally at reg. photo processing labs. Isn't there a way to get this turned into a picture when it is cut from the strip... and what is the process called? I worked at a photo lab back in the day and they use to do copy negs. but I don't remember what that was. Thanks for any help you may give.

P.S... sorry for piggy-backing on this thread but I looked for 10 minutes to find a POST button and couldn't.
I have a single 35mm photo negative that has been clipped from the strip and isn't accepted locally at reg. photo processing labs. Isn't there a way to get this turned into a picture when it is cut from the strip... and what is the process called? I worked at a photo lab back in the day and they use to do copy negs. but I don't remember what that was. Thanks for any help you may give.

P.S... sorry for piggy-backing on this thread but I looked for 10 minutes to find a POST button and couldn't.
You could scan it...

One frame cut from the strip isn't ideal - it'll be harder to make it lay flat in the holder, but it should still work...

I guess you could have it mounted like a slide - that would probably help make it easier to scan...

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