

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 15, 2006
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Red Rock Canyon NCA


Great shots. I only ask why you chose to shoot them in black and white. The colors would have been stunning.

But good none-the-less.
Great shots. I only ask why you chose to shoot them in black and white. The colors would have been stunning.

But good none-the-less.

Thanks Scott. The sun was so bright I felt the colors were too contrasting and obnoxious. Besides, the place is pretty popular and -everybody and their brother- seem to have great color shots. I wanted to try something a bit different.

Some color shots:
i understand why you went with black and white.
I wish i could see more sky instead of the brushy foreground.
I wonder what the first one would look like if you did a wide crop of just the top 1/3....?
Excellent shots, as usual. I'd be interested to see them in color, but at the same time, I really love what these look like. I think, based on what you're saying, that the choice to go black and white was a good one. I find that with landscapes, sometimes colors take away from the shot, most people find the opposite. But, based on your work, I'd say me and you, Abraxas, don't think all that dissimilarly. Excellent work, seriously.
i understand why you went with black and white.
I wish i could see more sky instead of the brushy foreground.
I wonder what the first one would look like if you did a wide crop of just the top 1/3....?

Usually, sort of a guideline I try to go by is that if the sky is bare or filled with jet contrails, I work below it.

18-55mm on these I believe.
Excellent shots, as usual. I'd be interested to see them in color, but at the same time, I really love what these look like. I think, based on what you're saying, that the choice to go black and white was a good one. I find that with landscapes, sometimes colors take away from the shot, most people find the opposite. But, based on your work, I'd say me and you, Abraxas, don't think all that dissimilarly. Excellent work, seriously.

Thanks Trenton. If it weren't for certain realities I'm dealing with at the moment, I'd shoot exclusively B^W for a year to see what happens. And I think you're right about the thinking. I've kinda noticed that myself. :)

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