New here...and I like beer!


TPF Noob!
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

I am new here to the forum. I had been shooting with a Nikon D70 for the past few years. In recent months, it has slowly been acting more and more odd. Random file corruption errors and other weird things made using the camera very frustrating. So, I decided it was time for something new and recently purchased a D7000.

It has renewed my interest in taking pictures.

A friend of mine makes her own vanilla infused sugar and then made me some brownies using that sugar. They go really well with I decided to capture the yummy combo with a quick pic.


I am sure there is a **** ton that could be better about the I welcome your critique. I have thick skin. And...I believe I should always be learning.

First of all, welcome to the forum.

In terms of this image, I don't like the composition at all. It looks like it's falling to the right. Is that an avocado? A pool "8" ball? They don't belong in this image.

Your white balance is off and the image is underexposed.

The "brownie" looks a bit like knawed on steak, and the crumbs look nasty. They make the image appear dirty.

What is the subject?

Sorry, I don't get this one at all.
I agree that it appears to need straightening... the glass is not perfectly vertical. Other than that... I think all of the elements are cohesive, as if one was sitting at the kitchen table, eating brownies with a brew (although personally I don't think I would care for that).

Exposure may be a hair under, WB looks somewhat yellow.... DOF missed the brownies (and I think a bit more would have helped this.) The background is sufficiently blurred to not be too distracting, although I find the colors less than compatible within the image.. too many browns / dark colors... makes it somber. I do think it is off balance with the glass and the veggies / tray occupying basically half the image, and that half being lower than the other.. makes it feel like it is sliding (uncomfortably so!)

Jeff must have his anal CPA hat on today... he is not normally so exacting...
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Jeff must have his anal CPA hat on today... he is not normally so exacting...

True, but I was trying to be honest and responsive to the question. :mrgreen:
All valid points that I can agree with. Like I said....I am here to learn.
Me to,learn as we go or die trying.:lol:
All valid points that I can agree with. Like I said....I am here to learn.

YOU may find it useful to allow editing in your profile then... many of us like to "show" what can be done, rather than just trying to explain it. (a picture is worth 1000 words, and all that)
All valid points that I can agree with. Like I said....I am here to learn.

YOU may find it useful to allow editing in your profile then... many of us like to "show" what can be done, rather than just trying to explain it. (a picture is worth 1000 words, and all that)

BEER!! Welcome my friend!!
Ok.. what do you think of this.... better or worse?

Welcome aboard.

Run . . . as fast as you can! ;)
Tried cropping and upping the exposure a little. PS Express for IPad is mediocre. And obviously...this does not fully correct the original...but it may help the final product. I need my friend to make more brownies so I can improve the composition. LOL

Crop, set white & black points as well as a nice middle gray. Did some slight levels adjustments, but not much. Leave the brownies out and go for a block of dark chocolate...yummy, beer and chocolate! (I did blur the brownies to remove their significance from the beer.)


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